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Spirit of the product cost-effective, reliable, trustworthy! - 725 Chen Zhang (Institute director)

[ 时间:2013-09-24 点击:2797 ]

Spirit of the product cost-effective, reliable, trustworthy! - 725 Chen Zhang (Institute director)

I have been engaged in China metal corrosion and corrosion studies , long-term commitment to the national key scientific research projects of metal corrosion , Zhang know 18 years ago , and from the perception that she knew her product , the biggest feeling is that high product cost , production sacrificial anode technology professionals ! Spirit of after years of experience , the product is also diverse : a magnesium alloy, magnesium alloy sacrificial anodes , magnesium ribbon anode , aluminum has also developed other cathodic protection engineering sacrificial anodes , zinc alloy sacrificial anodes , zinc anode with a high silicon cast iron anodes , etc., is a member of our Golden Age of Chinese Society for Corrosion and corrosion , and has participated in various anti-corrosion technology training associations , and have the professional and technical personnel, Spirit of product quality and trustworthy.

I once visited the Spirit of the new plant , saw Spirit of the purchase of raw materials , the process design, manufacturing processes , delivery , service, technical service unique. Throughout technology-based , market-oriented bold innovation, the body is committed to improving the cathodic protection and high-precision magnesium alloy material , to create " Spirit of " brand. I believe Spirit of the development will be more the better !

sacrificial anode cathodic protection magnesium alloy sacrificial anode aluminum alloy sacrificial anode zinc anode magnesium ribbon
zinc ribbon deep well anode Potential test piles prepackaged anode high silicon cast iron anoder sacrificial anode manufacturer
reference electrode MMO anode